BCSC (Canada): Warning against 3 entities
Profit Earn
WEBSITE: cryptec.io
EMAIL: Client.Service@Cryptec.io
PHONE: +45-78726185
Reason for warning from BCSC’s note:
A cryptocurrency trading platform may be required to be recognized as an exchange under section 25 of the Securities Act, RSBC 1996, c. 418 (the Act), or be registered as a dealer under section 34 of the Act. Cryptec has not been recognized as an exchange or registered as a dealer in BC.
WEBSITE: ifcmarkets.com
Reason for warning from BCSC’s note:
IFCMARKETS. CORP. is not registered to trade in, or advise on, securities or derivatives in BC.
GTV Media Group Inc.
WEBSITE: corp.gtv.com
Reason for warning from BCSC’s note:
GTV and Saraca Media Group Inc. are not registered to sell securities in BC and have not filed a prospectus with the British Columbia Securities Commission.