CSSF (Luxemburg): Warnings against 21stOptions & baumannpartners.com
WEBSITE: 21stoptions.com
EMAIL: support@21stOptions.com
PHONE: +19093283392
ADDRESS: 51 Boulevard Grande-Duchesse Charlotte, 1330 Luxemburg/ 79928 TX, El Paso, Texas, USA
Reason for warning:
The CSSF informs the public that 21stOptions is unknown to it and that the entity has not been granted any authorisation to provide investment services or other financial services in or from Luxembourg.
Link to the official warning on the CSSF’s website.
WEBSITE: baumannpartners.com
Reason for warning:
The CSSF informs the public that the website uses fraudulently the name and contact details of the investment firm incorporated under Luxembourg law, Baumann & Partners S.A., which is duly authorised in Luxembourg in accordance with the Law of 5 April 1993 on the financial sector and which is not related to the website referred to in this warning