FCA (United Kingdom): Warning against 4 entities
Ellis and Burlington
WEBSITE: ellisburlington.com
EMAIL: fsupport@ellisburlington.com; adamp@ellisburlington.com; ethan.w@ellisburlington.com
PHONE: 02080895219
WEBSITE: time4actions.com
EMAIL: info@time4actions.com; katec@time4actions.com; darinaj@time4actions.com; erikamoore@time4actions.com
PHONE: 02038076890; 02080890059; 02080895057; +420774295408; +972772200262; +972772200263; +972773613891; +972772234831
ADDRESS: Tel Aviv, st. 2185, Vision Tower, Office D43, Israel; Radičova 2479/7, Břevnov, 169 00, Praha 6, Czech Republic Provozovna Žerotinova 1174/58, Žižkov, Praha 3, Czech Republic
CF Sum (Bestfolio Consulting OU)
WEBSITE: cfsum.com
EMAIL: support@cfsum.com; info@cfsum.com; documents@cfsum.com; edwardr@cfsum.com; jeremys@cfsum.com; finance@cfsum.com; zachm@cfsum.com; claired@cfsum.com
PHONE: 020 3807 7226; 0203 477 8555; 0203 905 1215
ADDRESS: Cadell House, 27 Waterloo Street, Glasgow, G2 6 BZ, United Kingdom; Harju Maakond Tallinn Nomme Iinnaosa Rannaku pst 12 10917, Estonia
Pro Capital Markets
WEBSITE: procapitaltraderoom.com, procapitalmarkets.com
EMAIL: support@procapitalmarkets.com; compliance@procapitalmarkets.com; blaird@procapitalmarkets.com; owens@procapitalmarkets.com; Nathanj@procapitalmarkets.com; kevink@procapitalmarkets.com; Andrewl@procapitalmarkets.com; andrewp@procapitalmarkets.com; Michellec@procapitalmarkets.com
PHONE: 02033322626; 02039661938; 02039668521; 01163181331; 02038683614; 02038683604; 02038683605; 01865679098
ADDRESS: Seedammstrasse 3, 1st floor, Pfaeffikon SZ, CH-8808, Switzerland
Reason for the warning from FCA’s note (same for all):
This firm is not authorised by us and is targeting people in the UK. Based upon information we hold, we believe it is carrying on regulated activities which require authorisation.