30 warnings from the FCA in the new year. Check which brokers the UK warns against
Table of Warnings
30 entities blacklisted by the FCA
FCA warns against:
Atomic Coins Venture
WEBSITE: www.atomiccoinsventure.net
Future Bright Investment
WEBSITE: www.futurebrightinvestment.com
WEBSITE: www.xeonfx.pro
Forex Stack Profit
WEBSITE: www.forexstackprofit.com
Trade Simple
WEBSITE: www.tradesimple.org
Cryptos Fintech
WEBSITE: www.cryptosfintech.com
WEBSITE: www.forex4u.co.uk
WEBSITE: www.fxunlocked.com
Fx Meta Trade
WEBSITE: www.fxmetatrade.net
Delta Fx
WEBSITE: www.delta-fx.org
Real Fx Trade OTF
WEBSITE: www.realfxtradeotf.com
GoldVest FX
WEBSITE: www.goldvestfx.live
Nitro Forex
WEBSITE: www.nitro-forex.com
Growth Bank
WEBSITE: www.growthbank.net
BV Bank
WEBSITE: www.bv-bank.com
Please check the 2 previous warnings for this platform published by FINMA and FCA.
Gold Finance Fx
WEBSITE: www.goldfinancefx.net
Trust Cap Fx Ltd
WEBSITE: www.trustcapfxltd.online
FPTRADES / fxpoptrades (clone)
WEBSITE: www.fxpoptrades.com
The dishonest broker pretends to be another, properly registered company and uses its data to gain the trust of a potential investor.
Company data that the “fxpoptrades.com” fake broker uses:
Company name: Tradeslide Trading Tech Limited
Reference number: 586466
Proprietary domain: www.darwinex.com
WEBSITE: www.hubblebit.vip
Check out the 2 previous warnings for this platform published by FINMA and FSMA.
WEBSITE: www.cryptokg.io
Crypto Wallet
WEBSITE: www.crypto-wallet.info
Bing Forex Ltd
WEBSITE: www.bingfxl.com
Glob Fx Trading
WEBSITE: www.globfxtradings.online
Crypto Fortune Investment
WEBSITE: www.cryptofortuneinvestment.com
C-Tech Digital Crypto Currency
WEBSITE: www.c-techdigitalcryptocurrency.com
Acetoro (clone)
WEBSITE: www.acetoro.com
The dishonest broker pretends to be another, properly registered company and uses its data to gain the trust of a potential investor.
Company data that the “acetoro.com” fake broker uses:
Company name: Ace Brokers Ltd
Reference number: 581634
Proprietary domain: www.acebrokers.org
WEBSITE: www.bitscoinfxs.shop
FX Wealth
WEBSITE: www.fxwealth.org
Build Reachy Ltd
WEBSITE: www.buildreachy.ltd
WEBSITE: www.adrofx.com
Kevin Grecu
Adriana OPREA
Daniel Radu
Carter Ward
Ștefan Barbu
Aceștia sunt brokeri sau escroci?