
Homepage > Warnings > Warnings (18.05): 24Trading, Solutions Markets, Olymp Trade…

Warnings (18.05): 24Trading, Solutions Markets, Olymp Trade…

The list of warnings includes:

  • 24Trading – www.24trading.co
  • MangroupFX – www.mangroupfx.com
  • Investigram – fr.investigram.com
  • SKYWAY/NEEW (New Economic Evolution of the World) / CryptoUnit – www.tng-neew.com/en ; www.myneew.life ; www.my-cryptounit.com/en
  • Globalfxbtctrade – www.globalfxbtctrade.com
  • CryptosWorld – www.cryptosworld.trade
  • SolutionsMarkets – www.solutionsmarkets.io / www.solutionsmarkets.co
  • Razer Markets – www.razermarkets.com
  • OlympTrader / OlumpTrade – www.olymptrade.com / plus.olymptrade.com / www.olymptrader.co.uk
  • HeliFX – www.helifx.com
  • StoneEdgeAssetManagement – www.stoneedgemanagement.com
  • IndexFx – www.indexfx1.com
  • 24Shares – www.24shares.io

amf ostrzeżenie

AMF warns against 3 dishonest brokers

The 24trading.co platform, supervised by Gray Matter Enterprise Ltd, the company is responsible for fraud with the same profile “Solid Invest” against which 5 regulators issued warnings, appeared on the AMF alert list.

In the AMF’s list of warnings appeared the following entities:

24 Trading

WEBSITE: www.24trading.co
COMPANY: Grey Matter Enterprise Limited

Check out the previous warning about this company issued by BaFin


WEBSITE: www.mangroupfx.com


WEBSITE: fr.investigram.com
COMPANY: Investigram Limited

Check out the previous warning about this company issued by CONSOB

AMF’s warning list

FCA ostrzeżenie

8 warnings from FCA

The UK Financial Supervision Authority (FCA) added 8 unregulated investment service providers to the list of warnings. Among the platforms listed below, the website of the CryptosWorld broker appeared, before which the Cypriot CySec issued a warning the day before, and MangroupFX, which today also appeared on the list of warnings of the French AMF.

The Financial Conduct Authority, among the warnings, placed the website of the fraudulent broker HeliFx, which claims to have a license issued by the FCA. The license number provided is false.

SKYWAY/NEEW (New Economic Evolution of the World) / CryptoUnit

WEBSITE: www.tng-neew.com/en ; www.myneew.life ; www.my-cryptounit.com/en

Check out the previous warning about this company issued by FMA

FCA’s warning

Global Fx BTC Trade

WEBSITE: www.globalfxbtctrade.com
COMPAY: Globalfxbtctrade Limited

FCA’s warning

Cryptos World

WEBSITE: www.cryptosworld.trade

Check out the previous warning about this company issued by CySec

FCA’s warning

Solutions Markets

WEBSITE: solutionsmarkets.co / www.solutionsmarkets.io
COMPANY: Kiqiwk Holdings Intl Limited

Check out the previous warning about this company issued by CONSOB

FCA’s warning

Razer Markets

WEBSITE: www.razermarkets.com
COMPANY: Razermarkets Limited

FCA’s warning

Olymp Trader / Olymp Trade

WEBSITE: www.olymptrade.com / plus.olymptrade.com / www.olymptrader.co.uk
COMPANY: Saledo Global LLC / Visepoint Limited / Wallfort Limited

FCA’s warning


WEBSITE: www.mangroupfx.com

FCA’s warning

WEBSITE: www.helifx.com

FCA’s warning


StoneEdgeAssetManagement blacklisted by FINMA

The Swiss regulator, FINMA, issued a warning against the broker StoneEdgeAssetManagement, which published information on its website that it would be subject to the regulated company StoneEdge Asset Management SA has a FINMA license for the provision of investment services.

The broker unlawfully uses the data of the regulated company to gain the trust of a potential investor. As FINMA informs, StoneEdge Asset Management SA is in no way associated with the www.stoneedgemanagement.com platform.

Stone Edge Asset Management

WEBSITE: www.stoneedgemanagement.com

Company data that StoneEdgeAssetManagement.com uses:

Company’s name: StoneEdge Asset Management SA
Company’s number in the Swiss commercial register: CHE-465.851.850

FINMA’s warning

bafin ostrzeżenie

BaFin warns against IndexFx and 24Shares

The dishonest broker IndexFx informs on its website that it is licensed and regulated by BaFin. The German regulator declares that this information is fake. The company is not subject to BaFin supervision, and the registration number provided on the website is false.

The 24Shares.io platform also appeared among the warnings, offering clients contracts for difference (CFDs) based on forex products, commodities, stocks, indices, and cryptocurrencies. There is no legal notice on the trading platform’s website. The website also does not contain information on the company’s registered office or the entity responsible.


WEBSITE: www.indexfx1.com
COMPANY: Index Capital Limited

BaFin’s warning


WEBSITE: www.24shares.io

BaFin’s warning

Author: Izabela Kamionka

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