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Warnings: Olympus Holding, JetCapitals, Save Capital Invest, Grandis Capital Trade…

amf ostrzeżenie

Covivio Capital blacklisted by AMF

The dishonest broker on his website does not provide information about the company responsible for the functioning of the platform. There is also no information on the possession of a license to operate in the investment intermediation industry thus, the financial services provided by the broker are inconsistent with the current legal status, and investors’ funds are not safe.

AMF warns against:

Covivio Capital

WEBSITE: www.coviviocapital.com

AMF’s warning list

bafin ostrzeżenie

2 investment platforms on the BaFin alert list

The German Federal Financial Services Authority (BaFin) has published 2 alerts about pseudo-broker platforms that operate in Germany and other European Union countries without the required permit. Under Art. 37 sec. 4 of the German Banking Act (Kreditwesengesetz), “Forbschain”, established in Luxembourg, has not been authorized to carry out banking activities or provide financial services. BaFin does not supervise the company.

The forbschain.com platform has been included in the regulatory warnings for the second time. The CSSF had previously warned against this broker.


WEBSITE: www.forbschain.com

Check out the previous CSSF warning about this platform.

BaFin’s warning

EVA Capitals

WEBSITE: www.evacapitals.com

BaFin’s warning

CySec ostrzeżenie

12 warnings from CySEC

12 platforms on the CySEC blacklist offer investment brokerage services without the required license. All the websites mentioned are built on one template. The broker indicates a different company name each time, but the “license” number is the same for them.

CySEC warns against:

Green FX Trading

WEBSITE: www.greenfxtrading.com
COMPANY: Green FX Trading Limited

BNB Smart Chain Bots

WEBSITE: www.bnbsmartchainbots.com
COMPANY: BNB Smart Chain Bots Limited

Bitfx Asset

WEBSITE: www.bitfxasset.com
COMPANY: Bitfx Asset Limited

Premium FX Crypto

WEBSITE: www.premiumfxcrypto.com
COMPANY: Premium FX Crypto Limited

Paramount Signals

WEBSITE: www.paramountsignals.com

Swift FX Equity

WEBSITE: www.swiftfxequity.com
COMPANY: Swift FX Equity Limited

FX Terminals

WEBSITE: www.fxterminals.com
COMPANY: FX Terminals Limited

Proximity Trade

WEBSITE: www.proximitytrade.com
COMPANY: Proximity Trade Limited

Supremeocta FX

WEBSITE: www.supremeoctafx.com

FX Trade Terminal

WEBSITE: www.fxtradeterminal.com
COMPANY: FX Trade Terminal Limited

Canyon Trend US

WEBSITE: www.canyontrendus.com
COMPANY: Canyon Trend US Limited

Real FX Experts

WEBSITE: www.realfxexperts.com
COMPANY: Real Fx Experts Limited

CySEC’s warning

knf ostrzeżenia

The Polish KNF placed JetCapitals and Olympus Holding on the list of warnings

JetCapitals is a rogue broker that we warned our readers about twice due to the growing number of victims of this platform.

Check out the previous warning about this platform, posted by our ForexRev.

JetCapitals is a platform managed by the off-shore company Lore Tech Solutions LLC, registered at St. Vincent and the Grenadines. The broker’s website does not provide information on the licenses held, which permit its services in Europe. Depositing your savings on this platform may result in their loss.

KNF warns against:


WEBSITE: www.jetcapitals.com
COMPANY: Lore Tech Solutions LLC

KNF’s warning

Check out the previous warning about this platform, published by the ForexRev.

Olympus Holding

WEBSITE: www.olympusholding.co
COMPANY: Platinum Heritage Holding Limited

KNF’s warning

Check out the previous warning about this platform, published by the ForexRev.

Save Capital Invest

WEBSITE: www.savecapitalinvest.com
COMPANY: Invest Save Capital Invest Limited

KNF’s warning

Check out the previous warning about this platform, published by the ForexRev.

Grandis Capital Trade

WEBSITE: www.grandiscapitaltrade.com / www.grandiscapital-trade.com / www.grandis-capital-trade.com
COMPANY: GrandisCapitalTrade Limited

KNF’s warning

Check out the previous warning about this platform, published by the ForexRev.

FCA ostrzeżenie

10 warnings from FCA

FCA has issued 10 warnings against unlicensed brokers. In many cases, platforms also use the data of existing, registered and licensed companies to extort savings from unaware investors based on their reputation and legality.

FCA warns against:

ALG Capital (clone)

WEBSITE: www.alg.capital
COMPANY: ALG Capital Limited

A dishonest broker uses the data of another properly registered company to gain the trust of a potential investor.

Company’s data that the “alg.capital” fake-broker uses:

Compay’s name: Monecor (London) Ltd
FCA’s licence number: 124721
Proprietary domain: www.etxcapital.com

FCA’s warning


WEBSITE: www.recryptotrade.com
COMPANY: Bruxis PTY Limited

FCA’s warning


WEBSITE: www.binacecryptofx.com
COMPANY: Binacecryptofx Limited

FCA’s warning

BTC Trends

WEBSITE: www.btc-trends.com
COMPANY: Cordelino Limited

FCA’s warning

Golden United Limited (clone)

WEBSITE: www.goldenunitedlimited.com

A dishonest broker uses the data of another properly registered company to gain the trust of a potential investor.

Company’s data that the “goldenunitedlimited.com” fake-broker uses:

Company’s name: Golden United Limited
FCA’s licence number: 925739
Proprietary domain: www.choicelending.co.uk / www.dashloans.co.uk

FCA’s warning


WEBSITE: www.assurancecryptofx.com

FCA’s warning

Elite Finance Investment

WEBSITE: www.elitefinanceinvestment.com

FCA’s warning

IGC Markets

WEBSITE: www.igcmarkets.com

FCA’s warning

Royal Noble Group / Royal Nobel Group

WEBSITE: www.royalnoblegroup.com / www.royalnobelgroup.com

FCA’s warning

FXopen Pro (clone)

WEBSITE: www.stockbroker3333.wixsite.com/stockinc

A dishonest broker uses the data of another properly registered company to gain the trust of a potential investor.

Company’s data that the “stockbroker3333.wixsite.com/stockinc” fake-broker uses:

Company’s name: FXOpen Ltd
Number of FCA’s licence: 579202
Proprietary domain: www.fxopen.co.uk

FCA’s warning

Author: Izabela Kamionka

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