What to do when You have been scammed?

If the scammers still don’t know you have exposed them
Try to convince the Fraudsters that you want to test the Withdrawals, before a Large Investment, to be sure that you can trust them. There is no guarantee that you will succeed, but it’s worth a try. Even if You could get your money back in this way, report SCAM’s to the relevant authorities and terminate any further contact with them.
If you have just deposited money
Try to stop the transfer ASAP. Most of them are booked in the “Elixir” system between 9.30 a.m, 1.30 p.m. and 4 p.m. and are not performed on weekends. If you deposited funds on a friday afternoon, or you quickly realised that you were dealing with a SCAM, call your Bank Immediately.
If you have paid using Visa or MasterCard holders
Apply for the “Chargeback Procedure”. You can read exactly about the whole Procedure here (link). This is the final form of complaint that the Bank reports to the Card Provider . To use it, you may need patience and persistence, and to gather evidence that you have tried other ways to recover your funds. Complete the next two Steps and write to your Bank about your attempts.
- Withdraw from the Contract
Fill out the Withdrawal Document and send to the SCAM FX Broker the Email addresses you have.
- Report the Matter to Law Enforcement Authorities
Describe your situation by providing the personal details of scammers, their website, contact numbers and email addresses etc. If you have evidence in the form of screenshots, phone-call recordings, etc . – attach them also. Check the web browser to see, if the SCAMMERS Company is listed on the official warning lists of Regulatory Authorities of any given country. If so, be sure to mention this too – Report to the Police and the Prosecutor’s office.
You can also register with the Relevant Units online ie.:
- Australia
You should direct your Application to the Government Organization Scamwatch:https://www.scamwatch.gov.au/report-a-scam and to the state police.
- India
Submit a notice on the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal: https://cybercrime.gov.in/
You can also find Helpful Tips on the Website Cyber Crime Unit Delhi Police: http://www.cybercelldelhi.in/fakecallsfrauds.html
- Canada
Report the Crime & get help from a Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre: https://antifraudcentre-centreantifraude.ca/report-signalez-eng.htm
- UE
On Europol’s website you can find links to SCAM reporting in EU Member States. Check it out:https://www.europol.europa.eu/report-a-crime/report-cybercrime-online
The European Consumer Center Network – ECC – also deals with Consumer Protection, notifications can be placed through national branches. Contact details can be found at:https://ec.europa.eu/info/live-work-travel-eu/consumers/resolve-your-consumer-complaint/european-consumer-centres-network-ecc-net_en
- UK
Report the matter via the form on the page: https://www.actionfraud.police.uk/
You can also find Tips at: https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/consumer/scams/what-to-do-if-youve-been-scammed/
and additional help on the site:https://www.victimsupport.org.uk/help-and-support/get-help
See information on how to submit notices on the Official Government Website:https://www.usa.gov/stop-scams-frauds#item-35157
- South Africa
Instructions on how to Report a Crime on the South African ISPA Website (The Internet Service Providers Association): https://ispa.org.za/safety/report-cybercrime/
- Econsumer
Is an organization of 35 Countries from around the world. It deals with consumer protection, helps authorities detect and fight fraud. Submit an application at: https://www.econsumer.gov/#crnt
Filing is Very Important, because it gives the Services a boost and indicates the scale of the problem. Fraudulent Forex Brokers are global & very large scale crime. The services should be made aware of this.