21 entities on the FCA’s blacklist
Table of Warnings
FCA warns against 21 unlicensed Forex brokers
FCA warns against:
Belleo Fx
WEBSITE: www.belleofx.com
Auto FX Trade
WEBSITE: www.autofxtrade.net
Cryptocreek Mining
WEBSITE: www.cryptocreek-mining.com
Ultimate Trust Fx
WEBSITE: www.ultimatetrustfx.uk
FX Trading Station
WEBSITE: www.fxtradingstation.co.uk
Coin Trust Fx
WEBSITE: www.cointrustfx.online
Stock Bit Fx
WEBSITE: www.stocksbitfxltd.com
Prime Wealth Trade
WEBSITE: www.primewealthtrade.ltd
Trade Huze
WEBSITE: www.tradehuze.com
EX Trade / Horde Trade
WEBSITE: www.hordetrade.com
Denhigh FX Global
WEBSITE: www.denhighfxglobel.com
COMPANY: Denhigh FX Global Limited
Fx Newera
WEBSITE: www.fxnewera.com
Multifinance Fx
WEBSITE: www.multifinancefx.net
Dormantre Funds
WEBSITE: www.dormantinvestment.com
Coin Future Fx
WEBSITE: www.coinfuturefx.com
Legacy Trades
WEBSITE: www.legacy-tradesfx.online
Blu Fx
WEBSITE: www.blufx.co.uk
Royal Stock Fx
WEBSITE: www.royalstockfx.com
MX Investment Group
WEBSITE: www.mxinvestmentgroup.com
Global Trade
WEBSITE: www.globaltradesintl.com
Watch out for the “PrimeU” scam
ForexRev warns agianst:
WEBSITE: www.primeu.com
We warn you about the PrimeU investment platform, which is a fraudulent investment platform. According to the information on the website, it offers the possibility of trading CFD instruments. However, looking at it closer, we will not find information about any license or even the entity responsible for its operation. In addition, the investment account offer itself is structured in a way typical for scams, suggesting specific and very high returns on investment.
Our readers have also reported the inability to make withdrawals from PrimeU.
If you have experience with this broker, please share your opinion in the comment on his profile.
Finance Invest
WEBSITE: www.finance-invest.org
We warn against the Finance Invest platform, which offers alleged investment services that allow you to earn large amounts in a short time. According to reports from our readers, this is a typical scheme of investment fraud, aimed at extorting as much money as possible from unaware clients.
According to information from the platform, its operator is BITFIRE SOFTWARE LTD, registered on the Isle of Man. It is worth adding that the company does not have any license allowing it to provide this type of service, especially in the EU.
If you have experience with this broker, please share your opinion in the comment on his profile.
Fin Art Media
WEBSITE: www.finartmedia.com
COMPANY: Cycle Core Inc
We warn against the investment platform finartmedia.com based on reports from our readers. According to reports, the platform does not pay deposits made. As a condition of withdrawal, there is often a need to pay a commission/tax or any other imaginary fee.
It is worth noting that the platform does not have any license to provide services of this type.
If you have experience with this broker, please share your opinion in the comment on his profile.
Check out our previous warning about this platform, published in August 2022.
5 entities blacklisted by the CySEC
CySEC warns against:
EDR Financial LTD
WEBSITE: www.edrfinancialltd.com
IPO Experts
WEBSITE: www.ipo-experts.com
First BTC FX
WEBSITE: www.firstbtcfx.com
HYCM Capital Markets
WEBSITE: www.hycmcapitalmarkets.com
Aglo Trade
WEBSITE: www.aglotrade.com
“Florence Capital Advisor Group” in the FMA’s blacklist
FMA warns against:
Florence Capital Advisor Group
WEBSITE: www.florencecapital.at