
Homepage > Warnings > Watch out for Euro Union Investment and The Coin Trust [30 warnings]

Watch out for Euro Union Investment and The Coin Trust [30 warnings]

Amerykańskie SEC przyznało w tym roku 88 milionów dolarów nagrody

12 platforms blacklisted by the SEC

SEC warns against:

Altaris Capital Services (clone)

WEBSITE: www.altariscapitalservices.com
COMPANY: Altaris Capital Securities, LLC

The dishonest broker pretends to be another, properly registered company and uses its data to gain the trust of a potential investor.

Company’s data that the “altariscapitalservices.com” fake-broker uses:

Company name: Altaris Capital Partners, LLC / Altaris Capital, L.P.
Proprietary domain: www.altariscap.com

Apex Global Finance (clone)

WEBSITE: www.apexglobalf.com / www.apexglobalx.com

The dishonest broker pretends to be another, properly registered company and uses its data to gain the trust of a potential investor.

Company’s data that the “Apex Global Finance” fake-broker uses:

Company name: Apex Financial Services, Inc.
Proprietary domain: www.apexfinancial.com

Avery Wealth (clone)

WEBSITE: www.averywealth.org

The dishonest broker pretends to be another, properly registered company and uses its data to gain the trust of a potential investor.

Company’s data that the “averywealth.org” fake-broker uses:

Company name: Avery Wealth, Inc.
Proprietary domain: www.averywealth.com.

DC Markets (clone)

WEBSITE: www.dc-markets.com

The dishonest broker pretends to be another, properly registered company and uses its data to gain the trust of a potential investor.

Company’s data that the “dc-markets.com” fake-broker uses:

Company name: Digital Capital Markets LLC
The relevant company does not have a website address.

The SEC EDGAR database contains registration information for a real entity.

Drala-Capital (clone)

WEBSITE: www.drala-capital.com

The dishonest broker pretends to be another, properly registered company and uses its data to gain the trust of a potential investor.

Company’s data that the “drala-capital.com” fake-broker uses:

Company name: Drala Capital LLC
The relevant company does not have a website address.

Fenix Securities (clone)

WEBSITE: www.fenixsecurities.site

The dishonest broker pretends to be another, properly registered company and uses its data to gain the trust of a potential investor.

Company’s data that the “fenixsecurities.site” fake-broker uses:

Company name: Fenix Securities, LLC
The relevant company does not have a website address.

The SEC EDGAR database contains registration information for a real entity.

Check out the 2 previous warnings about this platform, published by the ForexRev editorial team.

Gerard Wealth (clone)

WEBSITE: www.gerard-wealth.com

The dishonest broker pretends to be another, properly registered company and uses its data to gain the trust of a potential investor.

Company’s data that the “gerard-wealth.com” fake broker uses:

Company name: Gerard Asset Management, Ltd.
The company is not active and has no website address.
The SEC EDGAR database contains registration information for a real entity.

Goldman Investment (clone)

WEBSITE: www.goldman-investment.com

The dishonest broker pretends to be another, properly registered company and uses its data to gain the trust of a potential investor.

Company’s data that the “goldman-investment.com” fake broker uses:

Company name: S. Goldman Advisors, LLC
The relevant company does not have a website address.
The SEC EDGAR database contains registration information for a real entity.

JFA Advisors LLC (clone)

WEBSITE: www.jfaadvisorsllc.com

The dishonest broker pretends to be another, properly registered company and uses its data to gain the trust of a potential investor.

Company’s data that the “jfaadvisorsllc.com” fake broker uses:

Company name: JFA Advisors, LLC d/b/a J. Freeman & Associates
Proprietary domain: www.J-Freeman.com


WEBSITE: www.ocminvestments.ltd

The dishonest broker pretends to be another, properly registered company and uses its data to gain the trust of a potential investor.

Company’s data that the “ocminvestments.ltd” fake broker uses:

Company name: OCM Investments, LLC
The relevant company does not have a website address.
The SEC EDGAR database contains registration information for a real entity.

Redmond Asset Managment (clone)

WEBSITE: www.redmondassetmanagment.com

The dishonest broker pretends to be another, properly registered company and uses its data to gain the trust of a potential investor.

Company’s data that the “redmondassetmanagment.com” fake broker uses:

Company name: Redmond Asset Management, LLC
Proprietary domain: www.redmondassetmanagement.com

The American regulator also placed on the list of warnings a platform that pretends to be the regulatory authority by keeping its fake “register” of companies and issuing false certificates to confirm that the entity actually has a license to offer investment intermediation products.

Financial Securities Authority

WEBSITE: www.financialsecuritiesauthority.us

SEC’s warning

forexrev ostrzega

ForexRev warn against 2 suspicious platforms

ForexRev warns against:

Euro Union Investment

WEBSITE: www.eurounioninvestment.com
COMPANY: Ou Lian Wealth Investment group Limited

The history of the investor who came to our editorial office to warn our readers about the broker shows that at the beginning the platform seemed reliable, the trading was smooth, it was also possible to pay out the profit. After some time, the first signals of insolvency and possible fraud began to appear on the web. The platform probably works on the principle of a financial pyramid, the first clients are paid funds to gain credibility, each subsequent investor registering in the system has less chance of making a payment.

There is an extensive article on the web with a description of the course of cooperation with the broker. Typically for similar scams, in order to withdraw funds accumulated on the platform, the broker informs the investor of the need to pay a false tax or additional fees to “unlock” the possibility of making a withdrawal.

The story in the article is about a Filipino investor. On January 26, 2022, Huiyou filed a withdrawal request which was rejected due to the payment of “12% personal income tax” on the profit accumulated in the investor’s account. In this case, the amount was 160,000 NT$ (New Taiwan Dollar). The payment was to be made within 24 hours.

2 days later, Huiyou noticed that the withdrawal request was again rejected. The reason for the rejection, according to the broker, was incorrectly paid tax – the investor paid it in two instalments. As a consequence of the above error, he had to pay the NT$40,000 deposit again, which, according to the broker’s assurances, was to be returned. After paying the fees, the broker again asked the investor that he is suspected of money laundering, to confirm his credibility he was asked to deposit NT $ 67,845, these funds were also to be returned.

Still not enough, the next day after making further payments, Huiyou was informed that he had to pay NT$ 56,750 for “system repair”. The investor does not have extensive experience in trading on the Forex market, and he wants to quickly withdraw his funds, which makes him agree to transfer another huge amount to the broker.

After paying the above “receivables”, the investor has accumulated a substantial sum of NT $ 330,000. On February 5, he received information that there is one last fee to deposit funds, after which it will be possible to withdraw money collected on the platform. Feeling that he was close, he made the promised “last” payment. It was only at this point that the investor realized that he had fallen victim to a scam.

Read all Huiyou’s story.

The eurounioninvestment.com platform was registered in October 2021, and FX110 (a Taiwanese regulator) placed it on its list of warnings in January.

The broker on the website informs that the company supervising the functioning of the platform is Ou Lian Wealth Investment group LTD, registered in Great Britain. However, this information is not true, the company with the given name is not entered in the register of companies and is not registered or licensed by the UK FCA. 

If you come across a platform where you need to pay a deposit securing your withdrawal – don’t hesitate to STOP LOSS and stay away. Investors cannot believe that they “can get the money out if they pay it.” There is a great probability that it is a bottomless well that will only get deeper with the loss of your funds. – we read on the niubencja.com portal that published the story of the investor Huiyou.

The Coin Trust

WEBSITE: www.thecointrust.com

Check out the previous SPT Media LLC warning issued by the CNMV.

If You have been scammed by this broker, please leave Your opinion in the comment on broker’s profile.

The victim’s account shows that she was encouraged to trade on the Forex / Crypto market by an article published on a website pretending to be PulsBiznesu.pl, the article contained the story of Szymon Hołownia, who was to invest in cryptocurrencies and receive considerable profits on this account. The story appeared to be plausible and encouraged the trader to take risks in trading.

The investor provided her data in the registration form, the next day she was contacted by the representative of TheCoinTrust.com platform, who slowly introduced her to the world of cryptocurrencies and offered to create an account. By default, it was a $250 starting deposit to open your first positions.

For 2 weeks I watched how I was making money on EUR / USD currency pairs, then Mr. Aleksander Laper (editor’s fake name) – an employee of thecointrust offered me that the company was ready to give me a bonus of EUR 25,000 for the same capital contribution on my part. I did so, I deposited EUR 25,000 and got a bonus of EUR 25,000, then the application showed me that I was making money using robots on cryptocurrencies.

Problems started when trying to deposit funds. As in the case of the Filipino investor Huiyou, whose history has been described above, in the case of the Polish investor, there were further receivables that must be settled in order for the payment to be possible.

Unfortunately, when I wanted to pay out the profits, the stairs started, first I had to pay 3800 EUR in tax, then 4000 EUR insurance, then the profit increased wonderfully and suddenly I had Belka’s tax to pay again, then the profit increased again and again insurance and every day after paying the X amount it turned out that there is something that is blocking my refund.

Unfortunately, the employees were not able to indicate any legal basis on which they keep my funds, I even said that I did not want a profit, that I only wanted what I paid and paid, but they told me that I would only get to pay 8,000 EUR.

The investor draws attention to the letters received from the broker containing the Binance logo, which was to confirm that the funds are being blocked by Binance and that this platform is demanding additional fees. Binance Customer Service has denied these reports.

consob (włoski nadzorca rynku usług finansowych)) ostrzeżenie przeciwko nieautoryzowanym podmiotom

5 platforms blocked by CONSOB

The Italian CONSOB obscured 5 sites owned by brokers who were not licensed to offer investment intermediation products.

CONSOB warns against:

Trade GB 24

WEBSITE: www.gbtrade24.co.uk / gbtrade24.net

Dakken Group

WEBSITE: www.dakkengroup.com
COMPANY: Clandestiny Group LLC

Check out the previous warning about this platform posted by the CNMV.


WEBSITE: www.coinevo.co
COMPANY: Lilac Group LLC

Finex Stock

WEBSITE: www.finexstock.com
COMPANY: Broker Capitals Limited

Saxo Stock

WEBSITE: www.saxo-stock.com
COMPANY: Magna Markets Limited

CONSOB’s press release

MFSA Malta ostrzeżenie

MFSA warns against the “Sprint Option Trade” broker

The Maltese regulator has issued a warning against the broker offering investment intermediation products SprintOptionTrade.com. In the announcement, MFSA informs that this platform is confusingly similar to another – licensed platform and uses the data of another company, however, no information was given about which company the data use relates to and to which platform the sprintoptiontrade.com website is similar.

This site […] references the registered address and other details of a company licensed in Malta. This site also uses similar formatting to the company licensed in Malta. – we read in the MFSA communications.

MFSA warns against:

Sprint Option Trade

WEBSITE: www.sprintoptiontrade.com
COMPANY: P24O Limited / P240 Limited

Check out the 3 previous warnings about previous platforms managed by P24O LTD.

MFSA’s warning

amf ostrzeżenie

The French AMF advises against investing in primeonline.trade

AMF warns against:


WEBSITE: www.primeonline.trade

AMF’s warning list

CySec ostrzeżenie

6 platforms belonging to the company Binarium LTD are on the CySEC’s blacklist

CySEC warns about the Binarium platform. The site was darkened by CONSOB in Italy in December 2021. Today, platforms belonging to Binarium LTD company appeared in the CySEC warning. The reason for blacklisting the broker is that the broker has not complied with the obligation to apply for a license that would allow the offering of investment products. Due to the lack of a license, this entity is not authorised to act as intermediaries in financial trading and manage the investor’s portfolio.

CySEC warns against:


WEBSITE: binarium.com / binarium.link / binarium.click / binarium.global / binarium.trading / binarium.trade
COMPANY: Binarium Limited

Check out the previous warning for this platform posted by CONSOB.

CySEC’s warning

bafin ostrzeżenie

3 warnings from BaFin

Among the warnings published by the German regulator BaFin was the IGFB platform managed by Seabreeze Partners LTD. This company is “famous” for creating new scam platforms used only to extort savings from investors. So far, the regulatory warning lists include 25 warnings against the company itself and the platforms it creates.

Check out lats 23 warnings about Seabreeze Partners LTD.

BaFin warns against:

IGFB / Investment Global Financial Brokers

WEBSITE: www.igfb.one
COMPANY: Seabreeze Partners Ltd

Check out the 2 previous warnings about this platform, published by KNF and CONSOB.

BaFin’s warning

ThirdEye Investment Group

WEBSITE: www.thirdeyeinvestment.io

BaFin’s warning

GTradex Corporation

WEBSITE: www.gtradex.net

BaFin’s warning

Austriackie FMA ostrzega

FMA warns against the “Dexa-Coin” platform

FMA warns against:

Dexa Coin

WEBSITE: www.dexa-coin.com

FMA’s warning


“Win ICoin” blacklisted by the FINMA

FINMA warns against:

Win ICoin

WEBSITE: www.winicoin.com

FINMA’s warning

FCA ostrzeżenie

4 warnings published by the FCA

FCA warns against:


WEBSITE: www.baimaasfx.com

FCA’s warning


WEBSITE: www.fxbit-traders.com

FCA’s warning

BTC Box Crypto Currency

WEBSITE: www.btcboxcryptocurrency.com

FCA’s warning

AutoForex Direct

WEBSITE: www.afxdt.com / www.autoforexdirect.com

FCA’s warning

Author: Izabela Kamionka

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